Monday 21 December 2009

Flames and Slaughter

Tonight, I shall be having my first game of Flames of War (I've dabbled with it in the past but never had a 'proper' game of it). I'm looking forwards to it even though I'm very anti-historical wargames due to my experiance of it when I was younger. The reason for this is the people I started gaming with often ended up turning the game into a simulation and would have 'discussions' during the game that unit X couldn't do that in real life, etc etc. Because of this, I've always been wary of historical games as I think they should be a bit of fun doing 'what-if' scenarios as well as having fun researching different eras of history while you assemble, paint and game with your army. So it's off round Stevyn's later to have some Americans batter Germans (or visa versa), while I scare him with horror stories about the new Skaven book.

Speaking of Skaven, I'm off to the Sheffield Slaughter in January. The Sheffield Slaughter is an yearly event held by the Dragon Slayers and is regarded as one of the best events in the calendar. It's got a very heavy composition rules set but it's still attracted 80 players. Me and Chris will be going, with Chris taking a varient of his Combat Dwarfs (but with no Runesmith on an Anvil as it's banned) and me taking Skaven. I shall be fielding the following....

Plague Priest on Plague Furnace
Chieftain BSB with Shield
Warlock Engineer

23 Stormvermin with Shields, Full Command, and Poisoned Wind Mortar Weapon Team
25 Clanrats with Shields, Standard, Musician, and Doom Flayer Weapon Team
25 Clanrats with Shields, Standard, Musician, and Doom Flayer Weapon Team
25 Skavenslaves
25 Skavenslaves

25 Plague Monks with Full Command
6 Plague Censer Bearers
6 Gutter Runners

1 Doomwheel
1 Warp-lightning Warp Cannon

Now this is a big change for me as I've been getting used to my Daemons for the last three months, but Skaven are an army I've always wanted as I like the background and the new models look nice (proper 80's/90's style GW/Jes Goodwin!). It's a lot of models but with a can of Army Painter I should be able to do this.

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