Friday 22 January 2010

Random Rant!

Just venting here folks, so please bear with me. Went to take my car to the garage and found out that the dozy woman at the call centre hadn't booked me in so now I've got to take it on Monday. Then the British weather returned to normal (rain with a chance of more rain), so no spray painting for me, and to top it off I went to my local GW which doesn't seem to stock anything but Battalion Boxes!

Not the worst day ever but mildly annoying when I had taken the day off to paint skaven up. I've vented the frustration on my PS3 and been watching videos about Red Dead Redemption (cowboy version of GTA) which I'm quite excited about. I've also got on my to do list, to find time to read Salamander by Nick Kyme. I've got a soft spot for the Black Skinned, Red Eyed, Nice Marines and I quite enjoyed the short story in the Heros of Space Marines book which came out last year. I nearly picked up James Swallows Blood Angel Series but I've heard lots of bad things about it and I don't really want to ruin anything for when I get my hands on the Codex (which I'm looking forwards to how they are fleshing out the background). I've also discovered that I can't seem to finish a WFB book while I can read the 40k ones over and over again. No idea why.

Anyway, I'll get back to moaning about the weather and call centres! :(

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