Thursday 9 July 2009

Rumour Mill

Even though GW seem tighter than a Yorkshireman about their releases for this year, rumours are starting to trickle out. Here's a brief roundup of what people seem to be talking about....

40k - Space Wolves

The Vikings in space are rumoured to be getting a new codex in October and have some new toys. Firstly it's rumoured that they won't be getting Lighting Claws but Wolf Claws which allow them to re-roll to hit or to wound! It's also rumoured that there will be a Special Character called Canis Wolfborn who rides around on a big Cybernetic Wolf! We also see the return of Njal Stormcaller with a new model which is holding a gnarled staff out before him.

The last rumour for them is kind of interesting as it sounds like Space Wolf Characters will be getting something called Sagas which seem to be similar to how Exarch Powers or Vampire Powers where you customise your character to be a big hero (For Example, we could see something a bit like 'Orkslayer' where the Character gets a bonus fighting Orks). Other than that they will be getting the mandatory plastic kits that enable you to customise your Marine Models into Space Wolves in a similar way to the Dark Angel or Black Templar sets.

Disappointingly there is still no news about how Grey Hunters are equipped as I'm hoping that they will be getting a Bolt Pistol, CCW and Bolter in a similar way to Chaos Marines to represent True Grit.

WFB - Skaven

Skaven are rumoured to be out later this year and it looks like the Adepts of Clan Eshin have been able to contain the rumour leaks as there is very little out about them. One rumour which keeps on popping up is the return of the Doomwheel as a plastic kit but that could be wishful thinking. Either way it's a release I'm looking forwards too as I have a soft spot for the evil ratmen.

Other Stuff

Well Planetary Empires is out next month for 40k which is basically a 40k version of Mighty Empires, so expect to see lots of coverage in White Dwarf and how to link it in with Planetstrike.

Fantasy Flight Games have a cool looking board game out soon called Chaos in the Old World which is set in the WFB world. Players basically take on the role of one of the Chaos Gods and have to try and conquer the Old World in their own way (Plagues for Nurgle, War for Khorne, etc).

Finally we have the mystery box which GW are releasing in September. Again they have been very tight lipped about this apart from that it will be a limited release and it's something cool. I'm hoping that it's Space Hulk but nobody is confirming anything!

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