Wednesday 5 August 2009

Maelstrom and the ETC

Over the weekend, Maelstrom Games opened up their new shop and me and my wife decided to pop up for a look. It doesn't look like much when you turn up as they are still in the process of building the gaming hall but the shop is finished and it looks very nice.

Eye of the Storm! - Entrance to the Gaming Hall via what will be the Resturant and Bar

Happy Shoppers

As you can see from these photos I've reposted from a topic about the shop on TWF, it looks very nice. We got a guided tour by Dan the local Press Ganger for Privateer Press, and all I can say is when this place is finished it will be brilliant. If you want to visit the store for a look, go to

Plus we had a quick demo game of Hordes, where my Wife used the Legion and I used Trolls (both painted very nicely by Dan). Game went as follows....
  • I run my Trolls up to give my wife something to do her turn, but I was expecting to take some pain and then give it back.
  • My Wife starts playing and Dan trys to put her in situations where she needs to make a decision (roughly 50/50 type choices where it could go either way) rather than just rolling lots of dice. Me and Dan are then amazed by the fact that she rolls pretty well, with her hitting me all of the time bar once, and causing damage pretty much all of the time.
By the end of the game I had lost everything, where I had just managed to kill a Carnivean with Madrak. The amazing thing though was the fact that she enjoyed it and is thinking about playing the game more!


For those people who aren't aware, the ETC kicks off this weekend. The ETC stands for European Team Championship, and basicly people from different countries form teams and play WFB of 40k against each other. It'll soon turn into the WTC as the Australians have put a team together. The fun thing is that there is a Warhammer Ashes kicking off with Australia vs England for a nice trophy which will contain the ashes of stuff from both teams.

The Warhammer Ashes will be played on Friday and you can read some of the coverage (as well as for the ETC) by following Englands Twitter or Austrailas Twitter. There will also I imagine be coverage on The Warhammer Forum ETC Section (which you can check out for general info and wot not).

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