I think this blog needs a bit of 40K love as I've been harping on a lot about
WFB recently. Codex Space Wolves hits the stores tomorrow, along with some new metal character models and plastic kits to let you assemble an army of giant howling armoured barbarians with guns. I saw some of the plastics a few weeks ago in the flesh and they are very nice. I should be picking up a copy of the codex tomorrow as it gets me up early to avoid the rush at the local shopping centre, and I can mow the grass for hopefully the last time this year! I should put a review up in a few days minus the grass cutting. If you need to know what's coming out, check out
this page on the
GW site.
On a more important note, who remembers the Squats? Because if you do, you might be interested in getting this tongue in cheek model...

I personally love it. The only way you can get one is with a White Dwarf Subscription but more details will be available in November.
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