Thursday, 29 October 2009

Daemonic Civil War!

Tuesday I wandered down the Dudley Darklords club after arranging a game against Luke, who is one of the local guys who plays there regularly. I took a scaled down version of my Warrington List, while Luke took a slightly modified version of the Heat One winning list (which you can read all about HERE and I do recomend it as it's done by everybodies favourite Warhammer Playing Austrailian, Bobo!). Now I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting to win the game but I wasn't expecting the white washing I got!

The problems Luke's list presented were a Siren Song Herald being backed up by a Bloodthirster, The Masque, and a Khorne BSB Herald on a Jugger with the -2 Ld Banner. This basicly means that Luke can control the game by using Siren Song to pull in units which end up getting drawn into combat with the Bloodthirster, smashed to bits and then having to take a break test with an extra -3 to -5 to the test! Nasty enough, but chuck in my inability to roll dice (apart from Magic like getting Irresistible Force twice!) and it's no wonder that I lost.

My Dead Pile

My Expression after the game

Although there is lots of things I can try and blame, I think quite simply not knowing how to deal with the Characters in this list lost me the game. I think next time I should be more aggressive as Luke did seem a little unsure how to deal with my Character set up and I need to take out The Masque and BSB as soon as possible.

On another un-wargaming note, I gave Blood on Tuesday. Please visit to find out where you can give a donation. Also remember it's generaly a pain free process, helps somebody who needs it, plus you get some biscuts at the end!


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