Monday 28 September 2009

Games Day - What Happened!?!

UK Games Day. Probably one of the biggest gaming events in the UK and maybe the world, as it's when GW puts on a nice show, showing off all the new toys we can expect to see over the next 18 months. Unfortunately it wasn't. I didn't go but I was really, really close to caving in and trying to wangle out of helping my wife at her shop to go to Games Day. I'm glad I didn't.

A lot of people have come away feeling really disappointed by how tight lipped GW have become over anything new coming out. You can find a nice topic about it on Warseer but here's a nice summary....

1 ) There were some showcase models for the new plastic Seekers of Slaanesh and the Chaos Daemon Prince in a red resin, but they were taken off display quite quickly!

2 ) The Tyranid Codex is being redone for Jan 2010. It was only confirmed by the following picture!

And that's it (apart from Forgeworld stuff)! No Space Wolf codexes were on sale (but the plastics were) and not a hide or hair of the new Skaven! I feel really sorry for those folks who paid £30 wanting to see lots of new cool things. I think GW have dropped the ball with this as a lot of people will get quite disgruntled by it as well as it will put a lot of people off going next year!

Anyway, I need to now decide if I want to start a new WFB army so I have something nicely painted, or start assembling Nids in readiness for the new codex!

Oh, and before I forget, you might want to check this site out if you've ever wonder if GW should make a film......

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